
College football bowl schedule for 2013-14

Try­ing to keep track of all the col­lege foot­ball bowls? Here you can find every bowl game this sea­son, along with who is play­ing, when and where you can watch. Also, Times col­lege foot­ball colum­nist Chris Du­fresne gives his pick for each match­up, so you can fol­low along and see how he does all the way through the BCS title game on Jan. 6.

Du­fresne’s gen­er­al rule is to look for mo­tiv­a­tion in each game. The best ex­ample was UCLA in the 2004 Las Ve­gas Bowl against Wyom­ing. One team wanted to be there and the oth­er went by the nick­name “Bru­ins.” His oth­er the­ory is to stay away from schools led by in­ter­im or dis­trac­ted coaches. However, the most im­port­ant ad­age in bowl pick­ing is this: when in doubt, just guess.

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Published: Dec. 31, 2013
Credits: Research and production: John Adams, TimelineSetter

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