
Video: Fall TV preview

By Robert Lloyd, Los Angeles Times Tele­vi­sion Crit­ic
Hail to thee, fall sea­son! You have man­aged to main­tain your cul­tur­al im­port­ance, or some semb­lance of it, even as oth­er tele­vi­sion sea­sons — winter sea­son, spring sea­son, sum­mer sea­son and all the little cable sea­sons pro­lif­er­at­ing in between — have chal­lenged your primacy. Still, there is noth­ing like a slot in the start­ing fall lineup to say that you have reached the TV Big Time. For a week, at least. So con­grat­u­la­tions, new fall series! This is your hour to shine — more, if you’re lucky.

What can we say of you, Fall 2012? You are a sea­son for Chica­go, arch­ery, quirky fe­male doc­tors, coun­try sing­ers grap­pling with age, single moth­ers, child-rear­ing dads and a mon­key. To wit:

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Published: Sept. 6, 2012
Credits: Robert Lloyd / Nardine Saad, TimelineSetter

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