
Super Bowl history: A timeline of the NFL’s championship game

An ob­scure af­fair when it star­ted in 1967, the game is now watched by mil­lions world­wide and will rake in more than $3,000 per tick­et at the Su­per­dome in New Or­leans for the Bal­timore-San Fran­cisco match­up. A 30-second TV com­mer­cial dur­ing the game will cost as much as $4 mil­lion. It’s safe to say that the game has come a long way. Scroll through the years and see the win­ners, losers and in­ter­est­ing (or not-so-in­ter­est­ing) fact­oids about each game. And then, tell us a little about the Su­per Bowl that hooked you.

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Published: Jan. 26, 2013
Credits: Research and production: John Adams, Houston Mitchell, TimelineSetter

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