
Video: Summer TV preview 2013

By Robert Lloyd, Los Angeles Times Tele­vi­sion Crit­ic

Oh, sum­mer! Once you were easy to un­der­stand, with your Gold­dig­gers and Glen Camp­bell com­ing around for a while and then quietly mak­ing way for the fall shows, many of which would ac­tu­ally make it to the next sum­mer. Look at you now, in your something less than in­fin­ite yet still con­fus­ing vari­ety!

Ca­na­dian im­ports! Re­main­ing epis­odes of shows quickly can­celed or nev­er shown dur­ing the fall, winter and spring! Spe­cial events! (Nik Wal­l­enda tightrope-walks the Grand Canyon, live on Dis­cov­ery, June 23! Jodi Arias Life­time movie June 22! “Hot in Clev­e­land” live epis­ode, June 19!) The be­gin­ning of the end of “Dex­ter” (June 30), “Break­ing Bad” (Aug. 11) and “Fu­turama”! And Net­flix bring­ing “Ar­res­ted De­vel­op­ment” back to life for one more round (May 26)!

Here are high­lights of what’s new, in the way of series, between Me­mori­al Day and Labor Day:

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Published: May 24, 2013
Sources: ABC / Nickelodeon / CBS / TNT / NBC / AMC / Cartoon Network

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